
"Forrest Gump" from Sazze

Here is a 4-star review of the film from Sazze.com:

Timeless. Ok, so Tom Hanks went to my high school and spoke at my graduation, but I'm not biased! Seriously, I am not a huge Tom Hanks fan, but Forrest Gump is one of those movies that has it all. Part love story, part historical chronicle, it's a feel-good movie that gets you rooting for the underdog.

Robin Wright-(Penn? still? or did she drop it since they divorced?) plays the beautiful, but mixed-up girl next door that Forrest falls in love with. I don't know why I haven't watched this one with the kids yet. I bet they would love it, too.

I can tell from this review (which isn't particular awful on the surface) that this person is that friend that you accidently forget to call when yo change your plans for the evening. Everyone was going to go to The Cockblower Lounge you tell her, and then no one calls when you all decide that it's surely has to be Ana Lingus instead.

If it were only her incessant watching of TMZ, and her addiction to Perez Hilton, that would be one thing. But she has the ability to tie every conversation she has back to Tom Hanks, and interjects, 'Did I mention that I went to high school with him?' And you subsequently purchase a meat clever and follow her home that night, but decide you couldn't possibly do it as you sit with your back to a tree in her backyard. No. No. The timing isn't right. They'd know it was you. Next week. Next week her kids are at summer camp, then, then you can stop Tom Hanks from boring you every time you go out. You decide to go see a movie to relax. Phillip Seymore Hoffman, Charlie Wilson's War...wait....no!!!!

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